Always On Top
Great deals on Refurbished Apple Products, Follow @PlanetRefurbish for updates or vistit the webshop:… twitter.com/i/web/status/11996…
On Demand Network Solutions | LayerCore Networks layercorenetworks.com/on-deman…
LayerCore Networks offer a single-source solution for #IT Hardware decommissioning, data destruction and logistics.… twitter.com/i/web/status/10684…
With a brand new company name, comes a new logo! Today our new website went live, have a look:… twitter.com/i/web/status/10677…
RT @LayerCore: Dear @LayerCore followers, as part of our re-branding strategy we recently changed our company name to LayerCore Ne… https://t.co/DyyZdMVGS7

Connect with us
Specialized in Networking and Server solutions, LayerCore Networks supports organizations to deploy highly reliable, scalable, flexible, and high-performance next-generation IT hardware infrastructures and services.
To discuss your requirements, specific products or solutions please connect with us and discover how we can optimize your IT investments!
Empower your network
At LayerCore Networks we stock and deliver only the most reliable, cost-efficient and high-quality new and recertified Networking and Server hardware solutions to empower your IT organization and Data Center needs.